Purpose and Objectives

. . . is to bring awareness of the true hope of God and the full gospel of Christ to our community. We do this because we believe it is a correct application of the commandment of Christ (e.g., Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19-20). We teach it to show our gratitude to God who has had others teach us the truth of Scripture. We preach this truth in love so that others will repent, believe in the Kingdom of God, be baptized into Christ, and so become heirs of the promises of God. (cf. Mark 1:14-15, Acts 2:38-39, 22:16, Galatians 3:26-29).

Our objectives include:

  • Teaching God’s truth according to Scripture. E.g., according to Scripture, there is only one hope and one gospel (cf. Ephesians 4:4, Galatians 1:7). Therefore it is critical that people get to hear the real Christian hope, not a false one. It is vital that we preach the full gospel of the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (cf. Acts 8:12), not just part of the story.
  • Providing relevant teaching material and tools. E.g., we plan to provide on-line resources such as Bible study courses, booklets on fundamental topics and a disciple’s workbook; we will supply educational DVDs on key Bible subjects, praise music on CDs and Bible-study aids; and we will conduct group Bible classes, personal classes, public seminars, Youth Group meetings, and Sunday worship.
  • Helping the community in practical ways. E.g., volunteering for things such as “faith in action” projects, coaching/supporting youth baseball and soccer teams, serving on appropriate committees, offering professional expertise gratis, and just plain offering a hand to get a job done.

All of the foregoing is meant to facilitate the responsibility each person bears to search out God and His precious Word of Truth. In providing help for people to get back-to-the-Bible, God’s Word will become their source for informed individual and communal religion.